An epic clash was set to take place between Bharathiraja and Ameer in the June 19th elections for various posts in the Film Directors Association. However, the two men decided to resolve their differences without any hostility and have come to an agreement that is mutually favorable. Press releases were released by Ameer and Selvamani to this effect.Selvamani declared he was happy that everything has been sorted out amiably since he has spent a lot of time and effort to strengthen this association. Ameer also agreed and said that it would be best to move forward with a united objective. As per its terms, Bharathiraja will stand for the post of President whereas Ameer will stand for General Secretary. SP Jananathan belonging to Ameer's faction will contest the Treasurer's post.
Bharathiraja and Ameer call for ceasefire
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on 21:27
An epic clash was set to take place between Bharathiraja and Ameer in the June 19th elections for various posts in the Film Directors Association. However, the two men decided to resolve their differences without any hostility and have come to an agreement that is mutually favorable. Press releases were released by Ameer and Selvamani to this effect.Selvamani declared he was happy that everything has been sorted out amiably since he has spent a lot of time and effort to strengthen this association. Ameer also agreed and said that it would be best to move forward with a united objective. As per its terms, Bharathiraja will stand for the post of President whereas Ameer will stand for General Secretary. SP Jananathan belonging to Ameer's faction will contest the Treasurer's post.