The finals of Celebrity Cricket League match on June 12th 2011 had all the elements that one would wish for – fun, sport, spirit, tears etc. The final match was between Chennai Rhinos and Bangalore Bulldozers. The team from Kollywood was headed by Sarath Kumar and Sudeep captained the Sandalwood team.
In the league matches, the Bulldozers won three matches and were considered the hot favorites to win the cup. But it was Kollywood’s day ultimately as they registered an easy win with Vikranth and Vishnu doing the honors.
Sonia Agarwal, Radhika Sarath Kumar, Shriya and several others actresses were seen cheering the Kollywood.
Post win the members of Kollywood team had tears of joy in their eyes while those in the Bulldozer team cried inconsolably. Sudeep was seen tensed all-through the second innings during which his team batted.