Love in films is expressed in different shades. It has been varying vividly with accordance to the times and ages. Black & White flicks were mostly off a kind of emotional ones and you wouldn’t even see the hero-heroine kissing. Then came the ‘Golden Era’ that was brimmed with an unique style where the filmmakers proceeded with a different approach. And then, it was time for ‘Ego Clash’ to dominate the screen.
‘Doo’ carries whole lot of traces from new-age love stories that runs of egos and conflicts between the lovers. Urban in style, the film travels with the same momentum throughout and there isn’t anything that would interest the audiences, except few from youth cohorts.
Sanjay and Nakshatra play the urban youths, knowing each other from school days. Regardless of their difference of opinions and tastes, they profess their love. But soon, it’s relentless tiffs between them and finally it’s a break up. Cut to – Vijay-Jyothika starrer ‘Kushi’ where you’ll see the young lovers reunited with their memories.
Since some of the present-gen audiences may relate themselves with the characters, they would feel that some sequences are interesting. Perhaps, it doesn’t engross you to the core as we see the characters unceasingly rendering their dialogues. ‘Give me a break’ – a call from almost all the audience in theatres.
The first half is engaging in parts. But as the story proceeds to the second hour leaves you restless. It’s blatant that Sriram Padmanaban himself is confused over narrating the tale. If you’ve got a script that has a running length of just 90mins, just go on. Why do you wriggle your heads constantly to prolong the process? Just end it and let audiences go happy out of theatres. No one is gonna complaint about shorter running length.
On the performance level, Sanjay and Nakshatra are perfect with their performances. A perfect casting indeed… But the junior artists – Jagan, Jeeva and other fatty annoys you to the end. The comedy sequences are not worthy of slapping the thighs.
Bid adieu to the film as there isn’t special to draw you inside. Except few dialogues that are punch of the film, rest of the factors aren’t commendable.
Musical score by Abhishek-Lawrence is okay as the three songs – ‘Nadhiyile’, ‘Doo Da’ and ‘Oru Naal Vidumurai’ is commendable.
On the whole, ‘Doo’ is an average film, which could have been better if the director had worked well with screenplay.
Cast & Crew:
Production: R. Gunasekeran, K.N. Aadhi Narayanan
Direction: Sriram Padmanaban
Star-casts: Sanjay, Nakshatra, Rajesh, Oorvasi, Jagan, Jeeva and others
Music: Abhishek-Lawrence
Verdict: Not worth watching….